號稱「納帕瑪歌白亭」• 最純淨的白蘇維翁 •【Spottswoode Sauvignon Blanc】2019 •【Wine Review Online: 97分】• Spottswoode唯一白酒、其極致優雅、絕美平衡與經典完美架構舉世聞名 •「美國納帕谷的瑪歌酒堡 By Spottswoode 」的封號實至名歸 • 納帕 (Napa) 唯一的瑪歌堡白亭

【號稱「納帕瑪歌白亭」•最純淨的白蘇維翁•【Spottswoode Sauvignon Blanc 2019】,Wine Enthusiast更是強力推薦,如果您這次又再沒買到,請多包涵!• 不禁令人想再多喝幾杯!】 •今天再次不提酒莊,我們只談酒! •世界上最具影響力的酒評家 Robert Parker讚譽: 「我一直認為Spottswoode 是納帕 (Napa) 的瑪歌堡(Chateau Margaux)」–國外酒廠釋出最新【2019年 Sauvinnon Blanc, Spottswoode 唯一的白酒】,莊主Mary Weber Novak 表示: Sauvignon Blanc 是她母親的最愛,為了去思念母親,專門釀出唯一的白酒–這要歸功於釀酒師Aron Weinkauf 的熟練之手 – Spottswoode 其極致優雅、絕美平衡與經典完美架構舉世聞名,「美國納帕谷的瑪歌酒堡 By Spottswoode 」的封號實至名歸•納帕 (Napa) 唯一的瑪歌堡Sauvignon Blanc

Spottswoode 酒莊於1882年由 George Schonewald 所創立,至今已有135年歷史。它以卡本內-蘇維濃(Cabernet Sauvignon)紅酒最出名,Robert Parker 本人更在評論中在品飲筆記中將 Spottswoode 的美酒與波爾多五大酒莊中的 Chateau Margaux 瑪歌堡相提並論,Spottswoode在 Robert Parker 心中的崇高地位可想而知!

1992年獲得加州認證有機農(California Certified Organic Farmers 證照),真實反應出當地風土條件,以優雅、平衡和經典著名。 Spottswoode 其極致優雅、絕美平衡與經典的完美架構舉世聞名,「美國納帕谷的瑪歌酒堡 By Spottswoode 」封號實至名歸。

The Wines of Spottswoode •【Sauvignon Blanc】2019 Offer -【Wine Review Online: 97分】•【Wine Enthusiast: 94分】 – 入選 2017年Napa & Sonoma Top 100支頂級酒的酒莊 • Composed of 100% Sauvignon Blanc – From : Hyde in Carneros and Farina on Sonoma Mountain, as well as its own St. Helena estate.

Wine Review Online Tasting Notes: I can’t imagine anyone taking this variety more seriously than the folks at Spottswoode. Four different clones sourced from six different vineyard sites, fermented in oak, stainless barrels, concrete eggs of three different sizes and a clay amphora, and a dedicated facility at the winery. Add in the idea that this isn’t even the flagship product, and you know that there’s something here worth investigating. Of course, if the wine isn’t any good, then none of that matters. No worries about that here thanks to the deft hand of winemaker Aron Weinkauf. Wisely giving himself a large palette from which to create, he comes through with a blend that has a rich mouthfeel on entry and great tension from bright acidity mid palate through the long finish, supporting the mixed citrus, stone fruit, melon and mild herbal accents beautifully. I don’t know that I’ve written this about a wine before, but I was struck by the ‘retro-aromatic’ impression that remains after the liquid disappears – I felt like I was still smelling the wine. Absolutely riveting Sauvignon Blanc. 97 points. (January 15, 2019)

Wine Enthusiast Tasting Notes: The producer sources from a handful of exceptional sites here, including Hyde in Carneros and Farina on Sonoma Mountain, as well as its own St. Helena estate. Juicy and lengthy with power and substance, it is fresh and well integrated, blossoming in bright lemon peel, peach and guava.

Spottswoode •【Sauvignon Blanc】2019 •【Wine Review Online: 97分】•【Wine Enthusiast: 94分】 – 入選 2017年Napa & Sonoma Top 100支頂級酒的酒莊 • 號稱「納帕瑪歌白亭」• 最純淨的白蘇維翁 • Spottswoode 其極致優雅、絕美平衡與經典不敗的完美架構舉世聞名,「美國納帕谷的瑪歌酒堡 By Spottswoode 」的封號實至名歸 • 納帕 (Napa) 唯一的瑪歌堡


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