Domaine Perrot Minot 皮瑞米諾園— 限量..老藤

Domaine Perrot Minot Vosne Romanee & ChambolleMusigny & Gevrey Chambertin & Morey St. Denis “ Climats” Offer

皮瑞米諾酒莊(Domaine Perrot Minot)歷史可追溯至19世紀中期,來自香波村的Leonie Sigaut 與 Morey St Denis 村的 Alexandre Morizot 結婚後將二家的酒園合併,成為現今Perrot-Minot酒莊的雛形。女兒Esther Morizot後來與AmedeeMerme結婚。Amedee將葡萄園發揚光大。早期酒莊叫做Merme-Morizot,也就是今日Domaine Perrot-Minot。Amedee的兒子Armand在第二次世界大戰之後接管酒莊。為了提高酒質,增添設備並不斷改進釀酒工藝。女兒Marie-France與Henri Perrot-Minot結婚,他們的兒子就是今日的莊主Christophe。Christophe接手酒莊時水準趨於平庸,與來自香檳地區的釀酒師M. Lede合作,革新酒莊的釀酒流程和工藝,以提高酒質。先使用出血法,即連同果皮及籽一起釀造,獲得較飽的酒體,發酵前進行冷浸漬以獲得高程度的萃取,發酵時間延長並定時踩皮獲得較多單寧。使酒莊的酒質迅速提升。

酒莊主人Christophe從2000年開始,為了能釀造出融合優雅、飽滿度、深度以及體現風土本色的葡萄酒,降低每株葡萄藤的平均產出,肥料的使用率被降到最低,一些高產的葡萄藤被翻新。 今日Perrot Minot的酒體飽滿,洗鍊而集中,現代風格的華麗濃郁中交錯著Terroir風土的細膩和獨特內含,在布根地獨樹一格。2005年份Perrot-Minot的Chambertin Clos de Beze貝日園榮獲Wine Advocate 評鑑99-100分 (與 2005 Romanee-Conti同分),一夕間身價暴漲蔚為傳奇,成為勃根地最炙手可熱的指標性酒廠。

【年份筆記】採收自九月十日展開為期約十二天,2014年的勃根地的收成回歸正常,莊主Christophe 在夏季進行了綠色採收,秋天採收時在葡萄園和入廠時分別再做了各一次篩選淘汰未達標準的葡萄,乾淨又成熟的果實讓 Christophe相當滿意。釀造與往年相似,採不同比例的整串釀造,並配合年份特徵以約兩成新的橡木桶進行培養,2014年的Perrot-Minot最大特徵是繽紛又馥郁的鮮花香氣,酒體稠密,口感柔和,表現出新鮮優雅的風格。Christophe認為自己的2014年酒具備不錯的陳年潛力,絕大部分可在10-12年熟成,部分頂級園更可達 15-20年。

(所有的Perrot-Minot 均標示為Vieilles Vignes 老藤葡萄酒)

Vosne Romanee 村 For ( Vosne-Romanée Champs Perdrix, located at the upper contours above La Romanée and Romanée-Conti)

The Wines of Domaine Perrot Minot Vosne-Romanee “Vieilles Vignes” 2014 Offer (老藤)

Tasting Notes : The 2014 Vosne-Romanée Champs Perdrix, located at the upper contours above La Romanée and Romanée-Conti, is matured in 20% new oak, has an attractive, expressive bouquet tinged with maraschino cherries and orange sorbet scents. The palate is medium-bodied with taut tannins, crisp acidity, an appreciable sense of transparency, lilting on the finish. Though there is not enormous substance here, this will be a delight to drink over the next decade.

The Wines of Domaine Perrot Minot Vosne-Romanee “Cuvee Champs Perdrix “ Vieilles Vignes “ 2014 Offer (老藤)

Tasting Notes : The 2014 Vosne Romanée Champs Perdrix Vieilles Vignes has a perfumed nose with wilted rose petals littered across the red berry fruit. The palate is medium-bodied with a pleasing succulence on the entry; there is a touch of orange zest infusing the red cherries and strawberry, whilst the tannin impart a slight chalky texture and tension on the finish !

Chambolle –Musigny 溫柔婉約村:

The Wines of Domaine Perrot Minot Chambolle Musigny “Vieilles Vignes” 2013 Offer

Tasting Notes : Sleek and focused, offering pure cherry, raspberry and spice flavors. Balanced and long, with a chalky sensation on the finish. Best from 2018 through 2029. 225 cases made.
& The 2013 Chambolle-Musigny Vieilles Vignes is the first year that Christophe elected to blend the fruit from La Combe d’Orveaux (so there is only the Cuvée Ultra henceforth). It has another perfumed, floral bouquet with crushed strawberry, Morello and smidgen of balsam entering the fray. The palate is medium-bodied with crisp tannins, a little more cohesion and substance than the Gevrey Village and finishing with commendable precision and reserve.

The Wines of Domaine Perrot Minot Chambolle Musigny “Vieilles Vignes” 2014 Offer

Tasting Notes : The 2014 Chambolle Musigny Vieilles Vignes contains 30% of Combes d’Orveaux that Christophe used to bottle separately. It has a nose that blossoms with red cherries and blueberry fruit; it is airy in style and quite expressive at this early stage. The palate is smooth and harmonious with well judged acidity, commendable weight in the mouth, but perhaps just needing a little more substance and complexity to come through on the finish. Perhaps afford this a couple of years in bottle? You feel like gee-ing it along.

Gevrey Chambertin 雄渾磅礡村:

The Wines of Domaine Perrot Minot Gevrey Chambertin “Vieilles Vignes” 2014 Offer

Tasting Notes : The 2014 Gevrey Chambertin Villages had been bottled in early September. It has a clean and precise, redcurrant and cranberry scented bouquet, the palate showing more structure and tension than the Morey en la Rue de Vergy, with a simple, crisp red cherry finish laced with white pepper. Easy drinking in style, enjoy this over the next 3-4 years.

Morey Saint Denis 村:

The Wines of Domaine Perrot Minot Morey Saint Denis “Cuvée En La Rue De Vergy” Vieilles Vignes 2013 Offer

Tasting Notes : Rich and dense, showing black pepper, black cherry, raspberry and stone flavors. Turns leaner on the finish, with a light burr to the tannins. Should come together in a year or two. Best from 2018 through 2027. 241 cases made.

The 2013 Morey Saint Denis en la Rue de Vergy has a rather flamboyant, quite sensual bouquet with perfumed red cherries, strawberry preserve and an intriguing note that I can only describe as that smell when you enter a dentist’s surgery! The palate is medium-bodied with light red fruit, light tannins and a easy-drinking finish that just needs a little more substance.

The Wines of Domaine Perrot Minot Morey Saint Denis “Cuvée En La Rue De Vergy” Vieilles Vignes 2014 Offer

Tasting Notes : The 2014 Morey St Denis en la Rue de Vergy had been bottled in the beginning of September. It offers brambly red berry fruit on the nose, perhaps just a little rustic but with lots of charm. The palate is smooth and supple, very forward in style and perhaps just missing a little backbone towards the finish. Enjoy this over the next 2-3 years.


玖德貿易有限公司 Wine Vertu .Co.,Ltd
吳嘉興 Vincent Wu
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Line ID: Vincent9238

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