解密勃根地靈魂風土:Clos de Vougeot 伏舊園 – Domaine Gerard Raphet Clos de Vougeot 2007 & 2008 ( Grand Cru 頂級葡萄園 )

解密勃根地風土:Clos de Vougeot 伏舊園 — Domaine Gerard Raphet

伏舊村位於勃根地夜丘(Cote de Nuits),與沃恩 – 羅曼尼村相接,西北部與香波 – 慕西尼村相鄰,是勃跟地最出色產區之一。村內有近 70%的地塊為特級園 (Grand Cru),且只有一個特級園 – 伏舊園(Clos de Vougeot),該園被譽為“勃根地靈魂”。


法國勃根地 Domaine Gerard Raphet ,目前已傳到第四代了,是一個擁有12公頃葡萄園的酒莊,在 Clos de Vougeot 伏舊園只有小小地1.47公頃, 完全不使用除草劑, 連釀酒過程都是相當地傳統的,直到現在還使用最傳統的”踩皮法”,也就是使用雙腳! ,大約10~12天 (視當年份葡萄條例)的浸泡發酵過程,產量控制在每公頃3000到3500公升, 在少量 30%全新橡木桶陳釀18個月熟成,完全不過濾,只使用手工裝瓶,以尊重風土,尊重產區為最大出發點。其目前只想釀出最細膩的酒,所以,他並不在意酒的顏色,只要表達的是一種伏舊村的風土感覺及對大地的尊重感及酒質優雅性和果香味。好的土壤和風土,種出最優良的葡萄, 透過他的雙手和雙腳後, 最大的成就收獲就是這些最精緻細膩的 Domaine Gerard Raphet Clos de Vougeot 葡萄酒。

Clos de Vougeot Grand Cru “ Climats” Offer


The wines of Domaine Gerard Raphet Clos de Vougeot 2007 Offer ( Clos de Vougeot Grand Cru 頂級葡萄園 )

Domaine Gerard RaphetCooked plum and blackberry mingle with black pepper, clove, and charred meat on the nose of Raphet’s 2007 Clos Vougeot, which offers considerable substance on the palate but finishes with slightly muddled opacity and a touch of heat accompanying its spice and dark fruits.



The wines of Domaine Gerard Raphet Clos de Vougeot 2008 Offer ( Clos de Vougeot Grand Cru 頂級葡萄園 )

Domaine Gerard Raphet 2008Caramel-tinged, lightly-cooked strawberry and rhubarb as well as blond and Latakia tobaccos on the nose and palate of Raphet’s 2008 Clos Vougeot all lead to a juicy but slightly rustically palate. Hints of extraneous caramelization, bitter herbs, and heat detract a bit from the pleasure here, but then, this -regular- Clos Vougeot bottling has seldom been distinguished (and I’ve tasted more than 20 vintages of it over the years, many from the 1970s and early 1980s, wines Raphet Pere loved to open at 15-20 years.) I’d drink this in the course of the next several years. 甘草、烤堅果、濃郁的紅色果味和香料味,酒體飽滿且單寧又極為柔順細膩



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