喜歡香波.木西泥的人,絕對不可錯過–勃根地香波村六大菁英小農之一 – Domaine Amiot-Servelle Charmes Chambertin Grand Cru 2012 & Chambolle Musigny 1er Derriere La Grange 2012 Offer 【 The Great Domaines of Burgundy 】

The Great Domaines of Burgundy一書中僅僅介紹六家 Chambolle Musigny 村內獨立小酒農, 其中最獨立小農就是 Domaine Amiot-Servelle. 其它五家分別都是赫赫有名超級酒莊-Vouge , G. Roumoier, J-F Mugnier…等貴氣酒莊

從小 Christian Amiot 就在Morey St.Denis 村莊釀酒環境耳濡目染長大下, 有著獨立自主強烈風格,所以 Domaine Amiot-Servelle的酒體都相當飽滿且集中, 比起同村莊中其他頂尖酒莊, 更增添了丹寧, 增加更好的陳年實力.他對於葡萄藤的細心照顧. 從2003年開始, Amiot-Servelle 的所有葡萄園全面都以有機方式栽種與照料. 也是因為如此, 對葡萄成熟度相當在意的 Christian, 通常都是村內最晚採收的酒農. 必要的時候, 在夏天會實施 (綠採收Vendange Verte), 去除約一半的新芽讓養份更集中在剩餘的另一半根芽內, 其目的就是為了得到足夠成熟的葡萄. 一旦開始全面100%人工採收, 葡萄將全部去梗, Christian偏好採用踩皮方式,且相當具有彈性的,在葡萄熟成度較好的年份, Christia偏好來自Allier森林 的橡木桶,30~50% 在全新橡木桶陳年, 大多是收成後一年時間後開始換桶, 在木桶中培養18個月後裝瓶,盡可能地降低新桶的使用。產出的葡萄酒有優雅的酒香,單寧如絲般滑細,更有陳年潛力,忠實呈現出當年份的葡萄特色

The Great Domaines of Burgundy 書上最後一段提到 “Christian knows what fine wine is about and runs a good ship. The progress that he and his wife have made over the past 2 decades has put it firmly in the first flight of Chambolle-Musigny domaines.”

在酒款方面, Domaine Amiot-Servelle不僅僅有五個相當棒的Chambolle Musigny 一級園, 還有一款在2010年從Amiot 家族手中買入的量少相當好的 Charmes Chambertin (0.9 acres) 珍貴頂級地塊

五個一級園則分別是 Les Plantes & Les Feusselottes & Les Charmes & Derriere La Grange & Les Amoureuses, 這次介紹的就是從 Amiot家族手中買入珍貴 Charmes Chambertin (0.9 acres).頂級地塊和面積產量最小 (0.47 acre) 一級 Derriere La Grange 地塊

The Wines Of Domaine Amiot-Servelle Charmes Chambertin Grand Cru 2012 offer (Grand Cru 頂級 0.9 acres)

The vine that produces this grand cru Charmes Chambertin is located in the commune of Gevrey Chambertin, in the upper part of the “Mazoyères”. Organic, the 19 ares of Pinot Noir give grapes of a good concentration. Christian Amiot raises this wine for 18 months with 50% new wood. The result is superb. This Charms Chambertin red 2012 offers sweet aromas of ripe red fruits typical of the Charmes climate. The tannins are fine, gourmand and silky with a nice sweetness. A great vintage of the most charming.

Domaine Amiot-Servelle Charmes Chambertin Grand Cru 2012Tasting Notes: 2012 is definitely a vintage winemaker. It took a good deal of calm and experience to be able to tame the consequences due to the vagaries of the weather. Freshness and frost in spring, summer in May, cool and rainy June, unstable summer, heatwave, thunderstorm, hail … The weather was particularly capricious and did not spare the vines ….Coulure and strong pressures of the mushrooms had right of the yields, fortunately, August and especially September were dry to return a healthy harvest and qualitative.


The Wines Of Domaine Amiot-Servelle Chambolle Musigny 1er Derriere La Grange 2012 offer (一級 Derriere La Grange 葡萄園 0.47 acre)

Derriere la Grange 是chambolle-musigny 村中面積倒數第二小的一級園, 面積非常小的 Derriere La Grange只有六家擁有者,除了Christian之外, 另一家知名的酒莊就是Louis Remy, Derriere La Grange 地塊與另外一個Les Fuees 名園緊鄰之間. 在風格上更為飽滿更為結實, 有相當好的集中度與酒體成熟度.被專家一致推崇為Derriere la Grange 的代表酒款

Domaine Amiot-Servelle Chambolle Musigny 1er Derriere La Grange 2012Location: between Morey and Chambolle, along the “Route des Grands Crus”, on the Bonnes Mares side. The name means “barn” (穀倉的後面), but the barn no longer exists. Surface: around (0.47 acre) , moderate limestone composition, stony, slightly deeper than that of the Charmes.
This wine has been aged for about 18 months in French oak casks, of which 50% are of new oak.



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